hak positif dan hak negatif bahasa Inggris
- hak: incumbency; right; right for; rights; due;
- positif: copper-pole; positive; plus; favorable; pos;
- dan: and; or; n; following; both; then; along with;
- hak: incumbency; right; right for; rights; due;
- negatif: negative; negativity; disconfirming; negatory;
- positif palsu dan negatif palsu: false positives and false negatives
- hak kodrati dan hak ikhtiyari: natural rights and legal rights
- hak: incumbency; right; right for; rights; due; entitlement; liberties; position; heel; claim; role; authorization; title; sole; possession; ownership; sanction; authorisation; right claim title privileg
- hak awam dan politik: civil and political rights
- hak dan kebebasan awam: civil rights and liberties
- hak dan kebebasan pribadi: personality right
- hak istirahat dan bersantai: right to rest and leisure
- hak reproduksi dan seksual: reproductive justice
- hak sipil dan politik: civil and political rights
- sosialisme dan hak lgbt: socialism and lgbt rights
- Negative and positive rights are rights that oblige either action (positive rights) or inaction (negative rights).
Hak positif dan hak negatif adalah hak-hak yang mewajibkan negara untuk mengambil tindakan ("hak positif") atau tidak melakukan suatu tindakan ("hak negatif").